
Iphone Desktop v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x

Chinese name: iphone desktop stand
English name: Iphonedesktop
Software Version: 1.0
Software Language: English
Does Visa: Visa required
Python platform: no
Production staff: Masanobu
Test Model: 6120c
Support models: theory supports all S60V3 models, please self-test.
Software Description: This program is hospitality machine beautification software needs to support FLASH models.
Sliding unlock, gorgeous Apple interface. Little less than the interface functions.
Swf file is a foreigner because of the development of not finished. Therefore, it is in English.
I had to join the swf file inside the c + + program. Just click on the icon in the menu will be able to go in the software. Please can not use self-test. I 6120C comes with version 2.0 of the FLASH is the perfect test.


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