
MobilHex-2 - v0.9.9 Fix

Author (fann95) with the permission of klonlanmýþtýr MobilHex.Diðerinden independent runs.
As different options here, only runs in the C drive.
Graphics Design STS_GSV This, of course he used Ýzni Yle.
For the rest all screen resolutions, it's like color þemasý interface by düzeltilmiþ schedule kesinleþmiþ. Results interface olmuþtu blue, original kýrmýzýmsý contrary.
At this time the driver of resources resource.txt root C, and are not stored in MobilHex-2.txt, other issues belirtilmiþ certificate.
Package includes last EXE_TOOL_2 pluginini.
This version of the driver file in the root MobilHex-2.txt E. generated


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