
Simache 240x320 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x (Chinese)

Simache 240x320 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Signed [Chinese]
According to legend, a name Simache (simlife magic chess) board of magic, only to pawn play to the end of those who are truly brave ... ...
Game from the beginning of a simple story to introduce the players adventure fantasy world. World in this adventure, players will be accepted at any time from the board of the various tests! A wealth of card systems, is the players forward in the adventure, fighting, board support, to protect themselves, and impede the opponent's strong props. Adventure, the game trigger point, reward points, penalty points, jump points, card shops, a variety of board trigger everything! At the same time, the game at the "single-person vs phone" and "more than a single" two modes, both single-player games to meet the demand, but also allows players at the same table in a variety of mobile phones on board the battle.
The end of the first people to reach the board, that is, the real brave, and his name will be recorded in the "brave instrument" in circulation forever.


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