
Free-iSMS v1.03 S60v3 S60v5 with 30 Skins

- Only foe Free-iSMS v1.03
- Installations: 2 ways
* If u installed Free-iSMS, u'll only install 30 Skins for Free-iSMS - Repacked by Caominh171@SymPViet .sis file & select a skin which u like.
* If u have never installed Free-iSMS, u must install Free-iSMS.v1.03.S60v3.S60v5 with 30 Skins-Repacked by Caominh171@SymPViet .sis file & select a skin which u like.
- If u want to change anyskin, u'll only install 30 Skins for Free-iSMS... file & select again.
- Re-open Free-iSMS to apply skin.
- Enjoy ur result!!
1. For using dark theme

2- For using light theme (because font of this app always is black)

Have fun!!!


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