Hesine Technologies Inc. Hesine Info v1.06 S60v3 Signed Hesine lets you :
1. Update status to one or more SNS sites like twitter, facebook from mobile.
2.Receive friends' SNS sites updates from mobile and reply to it with ease.
3. Get a free push email account mobile-number@hesine.com. Get push mail service, gmail, hotmail and all pop3 are supported.
4.Enjoy free mobile messaging between Hesine users.Free! No SMS/MMS chargesNo limitation on message size and data formatConsistent user experience as standard mobile text messageSame inbox and outbox for email, text message, social message, IM.
Push Mail Service :
1.Once you have installed Hesine application on your mobile successfully, you can bundle your gmail, Yahoo mail account with your mobile. Any emails to your bundlede mail accounts will be pushed to mobile right away. Your mobile becomes a BlackBerry-like device.
Bundle email accounts:
Compose a new message from mobilevia Hesine with only your emailaddress in the body, and send it to88888
A notification message will be sent to mobile to tell you the bundling result
Later on, mobile will prompt you to input the password for your email accountNote: you can bundle up to 3 email accounts for a single mobile.
Unbundle email accounts:
Compose a new message from mobilevia Hesine with message body "T +space + your-email-address", andsend it to 88888
A notification message will be sent to mobile to tell you the unbundling result.
Blog Push(Mobile Social Messaging):
Bundle your mobile with twitter,facebook and other SNS sites, you will beable to??Update your status (upload picture) inSNS sites from mobile just like sending astandard text message. The recipientaddress is SNS site name, like twiiter,facebook.?Receive your friend's updates or blog inSNS sites on mobile in timely manner.Simply reply the received message frommobile will comment on the receivedstatus or blog.?Receive your friend's direct or privatemessage in SNS sites in timely manner.Simply reply the received message frommobile will delivered to your friend rightaway.Steps to activate mobile social messaging service??Download Hesine application into your mobile if you have never installed it.?For twitter, compose a new messagefrom mobile via Hesine, input "login-name + space + password" as themessage body, and set "twitter" or89488 (corresponding digits for "twitt"on mobile) as the recipient address, thensend it out.?For other SNS sites, please go tohttp://www.hesine.com/bind.phpUpdate your status from mobile??Compose a new message via Hesine,write your status in the message body,and attach the picture if you want toupload a picture?Set the SNS site's name as the recipientaddress, such as twitter, facebook, orthe first 5 corresponding digits on yourmobile (such as 89488 for twitter, 32232for facebook).?Send out the message. Your updates will be shown on SNS sites right awayTips: if multiple recipient addresses arespecified, the same status will beuploaded to multiple SNS sites at thesame time.Make comments on friend's status??Once your friend updates his/her status,the status will be pushed to your mobileright away, and you will get the samenotification as SMS?Open the received message, reply itdirectly with your comments without anyspecial prefix or format in the body. Yourcomments will be shown up on SNS sitesright awayReply your friend's private/direct message??Once your friend send you a private/direct message, the message will bepushed to your mobile right away, andyou will get the same notification as SMS?Open the received message, reply itdirectly without any special prefix orformat in the body. Your reply will besent to your friend right away.Unbundle the SNS site??Compose a new message with only letter"T" in message body, and send it tothe corresponding SNS sites.?A notification message will be sent tomobile to tell if unbundling is successful ornot.?After it is unbundled, you could not sendyour status from mobile, and won'treceive friends' status from mobileanymore.Tips: Once you have installed Hesineapplication on your mobile successfully,you will get email account mobile-number@hesine.com automatically. If you use thisemail as the notification email address inSNS sites, any SNS notification will bepushed to your mobile in almost real time.You won't miss any notification fromSNS sites, and you can take your actionsright away!
FAQ01.Why can't I find my phone in thedownload page?- Only windows mobile and Symbian S60mobiles are supported right now. iPhone,gPhone versions are under development.Please check the web site later to findthe availability of your mobile.
02.How can I know if I install Hesine Application successfully?-If Hesine Application is installedsuccessfully, you will receive Hesinewelcome message in 10 minutes. If youdo not receive the welcome message,please power cycle your mobile and waitfor a couple of minutes to see if you canreceive welcome message. If you stillcould not get the welcome message,please follow the steps here. 1: makesure date and time on your mobile is setcorrectly, 2: make sure you can visit anyweb sites from your mobile web browser. If it still does not work, please send mailto support@hesine.com.
03. For 3 Hesine services, shall I download different Hesine software?- No, one Hesine software can support allthe Hesine services.
04.How can I start Hesine Application?-Hesine Application is started automaticallywhen you power up the mobile.
05.How can I stop Hesine Application?-In your mobile, please find Hesineapplication, and select it. In the optionmenu, please choose "stop Hesine". Ifyou want to resume the application, youmust select "start Hesine" or you canpower cycle your mobile.
06.How to bundle twitter with mobile?-1) Install Hesine App into your mobile ifyou have never done that; 2) compose anew message via Hesine, message bodycontains "twitter-login-ID + space +twitter-password", and send it totwitter (or 89488); 3) receive anotification message for binding result
07.How to send my status to twitter frommobile?Compose new message via Hesine, andsend it to twitter (or 89488). Your statuswill show up on twitter right away
08.How to bundle facebook with mobile?Login into facebook, search Hesine application, then follow the instructionson web. Or clickhttp://www.hesine.com/bind.php
09.How to send my status to facebookfrom mobile?Compose new message via Hesine, andsend it to facebook (or 32232). Yourstatus will show up on facebook rightaway
10.How to reply or comment on thereceived message?Simple reply the received messagewithout any prefix or format. Your replywill show up in the corresponding SNS site.
11.How to send my status to multiple SNSsites?Put the SNS site's name (orcorresponding number) in the TO field.For example, if you want to send statusto both twitter and facebook, you needto put "89488, 32232" or "twitter,facebook" in TO field when youcompose a new message.
12.Why my mobile's data connection isalways on after I install Hesine App?Hesine App requires always-on data connection on your mobile. Otherwise,the message could not be pushed toyour mobile in real time. If you want todisconnect the data connection, youhave to stop Hesine or uninstall it.
13.Does it mean the data is transferred to/from mobile when data connection is on?No. If you don't send/receive newmessages, data won't be transferredto/from mobile. But very minimum heartbeat messages will be transferred forevery half hour to one hour.C03?Why data volume is not zero even I don't send/receive any messages? To keep the data connection always on,Hesine application sends heart beatmessages (8 bytes) to the networkevery half to one hour. In addition, ifdata connection is lost somehow, themobile will register to the network again.In good wireless data coverage, it willconsume less than 100K bytes data forthe heat beat messages.
14.Is there any impact on mobile's standbytime?Yes, Hesine application has impact onmobile's standby time. But the impact isvery small, since Hesine has its own keytechnology and innovation to savebattery's life.
15.How do I send message via Hesine?For windows mobile, select message->Hesine, then select "new message". Forsymbian phone, select message->newmessage, then choose Hesine. In theaddress book, select a phone number,you can write message via Hesine. In thepicture viewer, you can send the picturevia Hesine.
16.How do I receive message via Hesine?As long as you do not stop Hesine oruninstall it, when a new Hesine messageis received, you will get the samenotification as standard text message.Then you can view, forward, reply andreply all.
17.How do I send message to overseasfriend?For overseas mobile number, when youcompose message via Hesine, the rightformat for mobile number must be "+country code local number". Forexample, if you want to send a messageto a friend in China from US, the numbermust be something like +8613911118888.If you want to send a message to afriend in US from China, the numbermust be something like +18479801111D04?How do I set Subject/CC/BCC fields whenI compose message? The initial layout of Hesine editor will onlyshow filed TO and body zone. But if youmoves up, you can set subject, CC andBCC field like email.
18.What's the email address configuredfor me by Hesine?Once you install Hesine app successfully,Hesine will set up an email account foryou automatically. The email address iscountry-code + mobile number @ Hesine.com. For example, for mobile number +18479801111, the corresponding mailaddress is 18479801111@hesine.com.Please remember no "+" before thenumber, since some email server doesnot treat it as valid.
19.Why I could not open some attachment?Hesine application is just responsible formessage transportation. Hesine app usesthe built-in mobile application to open theattachment. If the mobile itself could notopen a file with special format, you couldnot open it from Hesine app. You can tryto search Internet to find third tools to open the file.
20.For push mail service, what public mailaccounts are supported?Hesine supports POP3/IMAP. Up to now, itsupports gmail, yahoo, sina, sohu, 126.com and many other accounts. If youremail account if not supported, pleasesend your POP3/SMTP configurationinformation to support@hesine.com.
21.For my smart phone, it has the mailcapabilities, why shall I use Hesine to send/receive mail?Hesine provides PUSH mail service. Onceyou have new message, Hesine willpushed it into your mobile in timelymanner and you can view/reply/forward it right away. For the standardmail configured in your mobile, you haveto manually retrieve mail from server orset up a polling timer.
22.Hesine gives me an email account, if Ibundle my gmail with mobile, whichaccount is used when I send out amessage?When you compose new message viaHesine, moves up, you will find field "Acct". Choose the account you like, thenthe message will be sent out from thisaccount.